English 110 has taught me multiple lessons that I hope to carry on to future courses. Coming into english, I was not completely confident in my thesis statements, outlining strategies, and connections throughout a paper. However, throughout the duration of this course, I feel like I have improved my writing skills all together which will hopefully show in other courses. One tactic I am thankful to have learned was free drafting. Free drafting has saved me a ton of stress and has even helped me to organize my thoughts into a paper. Students often don’t realize that they first need to get their thoughts down onto a paper before reaching a formal copy. Secondly, I hope to transfer my thesis skills into future courses. Thesis statements are the most important part of every paper which I use to struggle with, but now feel confident going into. Lastly, I hope to take my annotation skills into every class I walk into and each source I encounter. Annotating was something I use to dread, but now I realize the importance it has when it comes to engaging with an article. English 110 has offered a countless amount of skills that I hope stick with me throughout the rest of my college career.
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